Som på andre vinyler fra NoFX er der skrevet i matrixen (indersporet på vinylen) på pladerne og det er her NoFX virkelig har været opfindsomme med serien. På alle pladerne hænger sætningerne, der er skrevet i matrixen, sammen og udgør en joke. Det er meget klassisk NoFX og fantastisk humor.
#1, side A: A punk, a rabbi, and a republican walk into a bar…
#1, side B: They seat themselves as far away from one another as possible…
#2, side A: The bartender asks the punk for his order, “One shot of whiskey”
#2, side B: The bartender smiles and says. “One shot of whiskey coming right up”
#3, side A: As the bartender walks back to the bar, the rabbi begins to chant a prayer…
#3, side B: The punk rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath. “Shut up old man”…
#4, side A: The bartender says “You can’t speak to my customers that way”…
#4, side B: The punk downs his whiskey and says, “Sorry but the rabbi’s a fuckin’ douche bag”…
#5, side A: The republican says to the bartender, “Get that asshole outta here!”…
#5, side B: The punk hears this and says, “I may be an asshole but at least I’m not a douche bag”…
#6, side A: The bartender turns to the republican and tells him “You’re the asshole”…
#6, side B: Then the bartender and the punk beat the shit out of the republican.
#7, side A: Then they kick the republican out of the bar…
#7, side B: The Rabbi then asks, why did you kick that man out of the bar?
#8, side A: The punk replies “cuz he’s a republican you fuckin’ douche bag!”
#8, side B: The bartender slams a bottle to the bar and says…
#9, side A: “I told you that you must respect my customers.”
#9, side B: The punk replies, “I do respect your customers.”
#10, side A: “…I’m just saying the rabbi was a douchebag”
#10, side B: “Ok youre out of here” says the bartender as he kicks the punk.
#11, side A: The bartender apologizes to the rabbi and says…
#11, side B: “Let me get you a drink on the house. What’ll you have?”
#12, side A: “The rabbi replies ‘well, I’ll have a vinegar and water'”
#12, side B: Blank
Der er ikke kun i matrixen på pladerne, at NoFX har været opfindsomme i forhold til grafikken. Bagsiderne af hvert cover udgør et stort puslespil, der til sammen udgør et billede af bandmedlemmerne som skeletter.
Billedet er taget fra Fat Wreck Wiki